How to listen to Google Docs

Listen to your Google Docs

Login to your Google account and open a document.

Edit in Docs

While editing a document, press play or use the hotkeys to activate the reading. Or, use the Read Selection icon to only read from specific portions of the text.

View Only

While in 'View Only' mode, highlighting is deactivated but you can still follow along through the CC Panel in the Reading Bar.

Google Sheets and Google Forms

You can also read from Sheets or Forms while in 'Edit in Google Sheets/Forms' mode only. Use Read Selection to highlight and listen to the text.

The extension cannot read directly from Google Slides. Download the Slide to .pptx or .pdf and upload directly to NaturalReader Online to read from it. 'Read selection' is unavailable from the context menu (right-click) while using Google Docs.